Thursday, December 26, 2019
4 Creative Ways to Analyze Plays
As students we remember sitting through countless lectures in which the instructor waxed eloquently about dramatic literature, while the class listened patiently, taking notes now and then. Today, as teachers, we certainly love to lecture about Shakespeare, Shaw, and Ibsen; after all, we love to hear ourselves talk! However, we also love student involvement, the more creative, the better. Here are a few ways for students to exercise their imagination while analyzing dramatic literature. Write (and Perform?) Additional Scenes Since plays are meant to be performed, it makes sense to encourage your students to act out some of the scenes in the play. If they are an energetic and outgoing group, this can work splendidly. However, it might be that your English class is filled with rather shy (or at least quiet) students who will be reluctant to read Tennessee Williams or Lillian Hellman out loud. Instead, have students work in groups to write a brand new scene for the play. The scene could take place before, after, or in-between the playwrights storyline. Note: Tom Stoppard did an excellent job of writing scenes that take place in between Hamlet. Its a play called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Another example some students will be more likely to appreciate would be Lion King 1 1/2. Consider some of these possibilities: Write a scene set ten years before Death of a Salesman. What was the main character like before he had children? What was his career like in the early days?Write a scene that shows what happens between Hamlets Act III and IV. Many dont realize that Hamlet hangs out with pirates for a while. Id love to know what happens between the Danish prince and the band of buccaneers.Write a new ending to Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House. Reveal what Nora Helmer does the day after she leaves her family. Does her husband win her back? Does she find a new sense of purpose and identity? During the writing process, the students may remain true to the characters, or they may spoof them or modernized their language. When the new scenes are finished, the class can take turns performing their work. If some groups would rather not stand in front of the class, they can read from their desks. Create a Comic Book Bring some art supplies to class and have students work in groups to illustrate a graphic novel version of the play or a critique of the playwrights ideas. Recently in one of my classes, students were discussing Man and Superman, George Bernard Shaws battle-of-the-sexes comedy that also contemplates Nietzsches ideal of a human, the Superman or ÃÅ"bermensch. While creating a literary response in comic book form, the students took the Clark Kent/Superman character and replaced him with a Nietzschean superhero who selfishly ignores the weak, hates Wagner operas, and can leap existential problems in a single bound. They had fun creating it, and it also displayed their knowledge of the plays themes. Some students might feel insecure about their drawing abilities. Assure them that it is their ideas that matter, not the quality of the illustrations. Also, let them know that stick figures are an acceptable form of creative analysis. Drama Rap Battles This works especially well with the complex works of Shakespeare. This activity can produce something incredibly silly. If there are sincere urban poets in your classroom, they might compose something meaningful, even profound. Take a soliloquy or a two-person scene from any Shakespearean play. Discuss the meaning of the lines, clarifying the metaphors and mythical allusions. Once the class understands the basic meaning, have them work in groups to create a modernized version through the art of rap music. Heres a brief albeit corny example of a rapping version of Hamlet: Guard #1: Whats that sound?Guard #2: All aroundâ€â€I dont know.Guard #1: Dont you hear it?Guard #2: This Denmark place is haunted by an evil spirit!Horatio: Here comes Prince Hamlet, hes a melancholy Dane.Hamlet: My mother and my uncle are driving me insane!Yo Horatio - why did we come out here?Theres nothing in the forest for me to fear.Horatio: Hamlet, dont get upset and dont go mad.And dont look now-Hamlet: ITS THE GHOST OF MY DAD!What is this apparition with eyes that fright?Ghost: I am thy fathers spirit who does forever walk the night.Your uncle killed your daddy, but that aint the bomb-That big jerk went and married your Mom! After each group is finished, they can take turns delivering their lines. And if someone can get a good beat-box going, all the better. Warning: Shakespeare might be spinning in his grave during this assignment. For that matter, Tupac might start spinning as well. But at least the class will have a good time. Standing Debate Set Up: This works best if students have room to stand up and move about freely. However, if that is not the case, divide the classroom into two sides. Each side should turn their desks so that the two large groups face each otherâ€â€they should be ready to engage in some serious literary debate! On one side of the chalkboard (or whiteboard) the instructor writes: AGREE. On the other side, the instructor writes: DISAGREE. In the middle of the board, the instructor writes an opinion based statement about the characters or ideas within the play. Example: Abigail Williams (the antagonist of The Crucible) is a sympathetic character. The students individually decide if they agree or disagree with this statement. They move to either the AGREE SIDE of the room or the DISAGREE SIDE. Then, the debate begins. Students express their opinions and state-specific examples from the text to support their argument. Here are some interesting topics for debate: Hamlet truly goes insane. (He’s not just pretending).Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman accurately criticizes the American Dream.Anton Chekhov’s plays are more tragic than comic. In a standing debate, the students should feel free to change their minds. If someone comes up with a good point, the fellow classmates might decide to move to the other side. The instructor’s goal is not to sway the class one way or another. Instead, the teacher should keep the debate on track, occasionally playing devil’s advocate to keep the students thinking critically. Generate Your Own Creative Analysis Activities Whether you are an English teacher, a home school parent or you are just looking for an imaginative way to respond to literature; these creative activities are just a few of the endless possibilities.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
I Get Into So Much Trouble Just By Walking - 1131 Words
Qualitative Researchers In Introduction Fatimah Almahdi Amy Petersen Michael’s Story: â€Å"I get into so much trouble just by walking†: Narrative Knowing and Life at the Intersections of Learning Disability, Race, and Class Introduction The purpose of the article’s introduction is to highlight the challenges that students from minority go through in special education schools. Linking his personal experiences as a former special educator, Connor strives to explore the intersection of learning disability, race, and class. The author collected data by conducting interviews with a participant researcher to get his side of the story. Connor planned to compare his LDs experiences with his own. Valuing Narrative Connor opted to use a narrative as a means of expression since most people understand issues better when they are conveyed as a narrated story. Michael, the participant researcher, narrates the discrimination he went through during his time in school. Being a student with a learning disability, he was segregated from the other â€Å"normal†students, and they always taunted him because of his condition. The fact that he is black, physically challenged and comes from a working class background makes him feel less entitled to receiving a decent college education (Connor, 2006). His situation that even in the education sector, the playing field is not fair as far as minority groups are concerned. Choosing poetry Connor elects to present his findings in the formShow MoreRelatedEssay On What You DonT Know Can Hurt You1190 Words  | 5 Pagescan affect you sometimes in negative sometime s in positive ways. I was a kid in elementary school I wasn’t much of a talker I was shy ignorant of the ways of the world. No one in my child hood life saw fit to tell me what the middle finger meant no adult that is. So I in school may have done something offensive not knowing the consequences of my actions. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Encompassing Corporate Social Responsibility -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Encompassing Corporate Social Responsibility? Answer: Introduction: Corporate social responsibility can be defined as a particular type of business approach that helps in contributing to the different sustainable developments. This is mainly done by delivering economic, environmental as well as social benefits for all stakeholders who are associated with the business. Researchers are of the opinion that it is a broad concept that helps in addressing a wide number of topics like health and safety, corporate governance, environmental effects, human rights, contribution to that of the different economic department and working conditions. A number of benefits remain associated with the organizations that develop good corporate social responsibilities. These are the development of better recognition of the band, easier forms of access to the capital, positive formation of business reputation, growth of the organization and increased sales and loyalty of customers. It also helps in making savings of operations costs, betterment of financial performance and development of greater ability to retain staff and attract talent. This report will help to show how five important companies had garnered topmost positions globally by fulfilling their corporate social responsibility successfully. Reputation Institute (RI): Reputation Institute (RI) is a Boston-based reputation-management consulting firm. It has conducted an annual study by mainly tracking down the social responsibility reputations of about 170000 companies in 15 countries. They have analyzed the ratings by mainly zeroing in on the perceptions of the consumers about the company governance, its positive influence on the society as well as the treatment of the different employees. They have analyzed so with the proprietary RepTrak Pulse system (Strauss 2018). Lego: In the year, 2017 Lego has emerged as the topmost company showing the best CSR with RepTrak points of 74.4. The company has jumped from its fifth position in the year of 2016 to that to first position in the year 2017. RI has found out the LEGO not only behave ethically but also protects the environment and also supports different worthy causes. It is a Danish toy company. It had taken important steps like Building the Change as well as the Sustainable Material center initiatives. It has also engaged successfully into a partnership with that of the World Wide Fund for developing the condition of the poor and underprivileged (Isaksson, Kiessling Harvey, 2014). Lego has spent 1 billion Danish Krone (about $150 million) for the development of sustainable materials. They had planned to use them for the packing of different materials and to make high quality plastic toys. Moreover, it is seen that the organization had hired for about 100 engineers with an aim to develop various alternati ves to petroleum-based materials (Berlan, 2016). It has also taken initiatives for reduction of the carbon footprint. They have invested in wind farms so that they can help in offsetting the energy used in factories and for achieving its goals of utilizing 100 % renewable energy by the year of 2020. Microsoft: Microsoft is one of the Seattle based technology firm and has garnered the second position from the last year. It has scored about 74.1 according to the RepTrak CSR scoreboard. The CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella is considered one of the most important proponents of the social as well as the environmental responsibility. The organization has committed in enhancement of education as a highly relevant global human issue. The organization had been successful in taking responsible actions for safeguarding the future of the planet with the help of different interesting initiatives. They had developed Artificial intelligence in ways, which helps in amplifying human ingenuity, and help in developing sustainability across the globe. With the help of development of AI, they had created access for different organizations and individuals in getting access to cloud and computing resource for the development of efficient environmental solutions (Wang et al., 2016). They had also helped in educati on and innovations. Project premonition is an interesting project that had garnered huge appreciation from stakeholders. 75% of the emerging infectious diseases are seen to originate form animals. Monitoring and gathering samples are often considered labor intensive and time consuming by scientist. Hence, the project would be using mosquitoes as tools for the collection of data from animals in the environments (Jannsen, Sen Bhattacharya, 2015). This project mainly aims in detecting as well as tracking pathogens more accurately so that prevention of their outbreaks can be done among humans. Another interesting initiative that has taken by them is called the FarmBeats. This project is seen to utilize advanced technology, power of machine learning and Cloud and even the power of the existing connectivity infrastructure to help in data driven farming. This helps the farmers to get interpretable insights for developing agricultural yield, reduction of environmental impact and lowering o f the overall cost of the farming (Westermann et al., 2015). Google: The next organization, which had attained the third rank according to the report of RI, is Google. It has achieved a CSR score of 73.9 and has fallen from the first place to third place. It has taken commendable initiatives in the domain of energy consumption. Google takes responsibility in the purchasing or in the production of 24% renewable energy. It already has 11% renewable electricity on the board and thereby totals to the renewable energy of 35%. The rest of the 65% of energy that is non-renewable is entirely neutralized by carbon-offset projects. Already, 4 million square feet of Google buildings had achieved green certification status. This status had been provided by LEED. In case of water consumption, the organization has reduced potable liters of water utilized by each employee by 30% at the Bay Area headquarters. Six branches of operating data centers of organization had been seen to achieve 100% landfill diversion and one of these had also achieved Zero Waste to Landfil l (Pai et al., 2015). The company had been seen to be carbon neutral form the year of 2007. Moreover its another initiative called the Commuting Sustainablyhas dedicated in keeping about 5700 cars out of roads. Not only that, its shuttle program as well as the different electric vehicle charging stations are found noteworthy as it is equivalent to the use of 87 million vehicle miles annually. Moreover, it is also responsible for developing its operations on cloud (Tai Chuang, 2014). This has advantages, as this platform is carbon neutral with different types of positive environmental implications. Walt Disney: This company has been successful in achieving the rank of four in the domain of corporate social responsibility by getting a RepTrak score of 73.5 points. It has been dropped from third place to fourth place by a margin of 102 points. It has been the leader of CSR in the year 2009 and had been continuing to so since then. However, the raising value and expectations of CSR had resulted in dropping from position one to four. Volunteerism is one of their initiatives where they encourage over one million people in USA to commit and provide service in their communities (Hirosee, Lee Matsumara, 2017). They do so by offering free tickets to the million people for providing volunteering service from an organization that they choose. Moreover, they have tried to focus on environmental education to their consumers by sharing compelling stories and even immersing audiences in the natural world to make them more aware. They have produced three important Disney Nature films like Earth, Oceans, a nd African Cats. Moreover, they have also planted more than 3 million trees in the threatened Atlantic forest in Brazil and had protected for about 40000 acres of coral reefs in the region of the Bahamas. They have also conserved for about 5000 acres of Savanna Wildlife corridors in Africa. Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund has taken many other initiatives. It was established in the year 1995 and since then it has helped global as well as local nonprofit organizations who are working to protect wildlife and ecosystems making a positive impact on the community (Rainey et al., 2015). From that time, until today, it has been seen to support over $20 million in various types of projects in over 112 countries. BMW Group: It has garnered the fifth position among the different organization of various nations in the domain of corporate social responsibility. It has a RepTrak Score of71.5 points. It has dropped from its position from fourth place to that of the fifth place by a margin of 2.4 points. BMW has been seen to provide importance in three aspects which are clear self positioning, sustainable operation model and as well as innovation and creation. This organization has been seen to effectively promote long term and active participation of various stakeholders so that proper addressing of the social issues can be made and shared value can be created. It has placed importance on three important principles (Oberseder et al., 2014). These are all-stakeholder engagement, addressing different social issues and long-term commitment. BMW Childrens Traffic Safety Education (CTSE) is one an interesting initiative that is taken by the organization. This project mainly helps in targeting the learning of road safety by children in China. It mainly helps in improving the children as well as the adults road safety awareness. This is done by fixed experiential center adventures, simulation-based learning, different media as well as interactive teaching methods lime combined playing and learning. Another is the BMW Joy home that is actually established by the organization as an exclusive stakeholder engagement program. This initiative provides help to left behind children in the different underdeveloped areas of China (Schimtz Schrader, 2015). They are using the Joyful Sorts model that is integrating extensive participation, resource sharing, and extensive participation and integrating curriculum innovation to provide equal development opportunities for the left behind children in the nation. Conclusion: The different organization discussed in the report has been seen to provide considerable support in saving the environment and helping in sustainable development of the nations. They had been successful in integrating social as well as environmental concerns in their different business ventures, operations and interactions with the stakeholders. Lego, Microsoft, Google, Walt Disney as well as BMW had contributed their utmost in developing sustainability and had successfully achieved a proper balance between economic, social as well as environmental imperatives. Other organizations would set them as examples and try to develop strategic business management concept, charity, sponsorships and philanthropy ensuring corporate social responsibility. References: Berlan, A. (2016). Whose business is it anyway: Children and corporate social responsibility in the international business law agenda.Children Society,30(2), 159-168. Hirose, K., Lee, S. H., Matsumura, T. (2017). Environmental corporate social responsibility: A note on the first-mover advantage under price competition.Economics Bulletin,37(1), 214-221. Isaksson, I., Kiessling, T., Harvey, M. (2014). Corporate social responsibility: Why bother?.Organizational Dynamics,43(1), 64-72. Janssen, C., Sen, S., Bhattacharya, C. B. (2015). Corporate crises in the age of corporate social responsibility.Business Horizons,58(2), 183-192. berseder, M., Schlegelmilch, B. B., Murphy, P. E., Gruber, V. (2014). management perceptions of corporate social responsibility: Scale development and validation.Journal of Business Ethics,124(1), 101-115. Pai, D. C., Lai, C. S., Chiu, C. J., Yang, C. F. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and brand advocacy in business-to-business market: The mediated moderating effect of attribution.Journal of Business Ethics,126(4), 685-696. Rainey, H. J., Pollard, E. H., Dutson, G., Ekstrom, J. M., Livingstone, S. R., Temple, H. J., Pilgrim, J. D. (2015). A review of corporate goals of No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact on biodiversity.Oryx,49(2), 232-238. Schmitz, J., Schrader, J. (2015). Corporate social responsibility: A microeconomic review of the literature.Journal of Economic Surveys,29(1), 27-45. Strauss, K. (2018).Top 10 companies Showing CSR - Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Feb. 2018]. Tai, F. M., Chuang, S. H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility.Ibusiness,6(03), 117. Wang, H., Tong, L., Takeuchi, R., George, G. (2016). Corporate social responsibility: An overview and new research directions thematic issue on corporate social responsibility.Academy of Management Journal,59(2), 534-544. Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Rehbein, K., Fort, T. (2015). Enhancing the concept of corporate diplomacy: Encompassing political corporate social responsibility, international relations, and peace through commerce.The Academy of Management Perspectives,29(4),
Monday, December 2, 2019
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid
Is it exploitation for a company to profit from selling soaps, shampoo, personal computer and ice cream, and so on, to people with little disposable income? As markets in developed countries reach saturation point, international marketers have been increasingly shifting focus to markets in the third world countries. Such moves have been targeted to a class of people consisting of the wealthy elite and the expanding middle class in such countries.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is rare cases where the marketing efforts have been endeared towards the masses in these developing countries, which represent 65 percent of the world’s population. The reason as to why international have not embarked on a strong marketing campaign to these â€Å"aspirational poor†at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)-as they are usually called- is that the group is very delicate. In deed, a different strategy is needed to tap the potential offered by this category of people. The conventional ‘western’ marketing mix offered by international marketers does not work with the BOP, and as such, these potential markets require an extremely tailored approach. Buyers at the BOP behave differently not only form their counterparts in the first world country markets but also from the upper and bourgeoisie customers in their community. This paper is a case study of the strategies and guidelines that international marketers should keep in mind while targeting the BOP. The paper’s position is that marketing to the BOP is a strategy that should be endorsed by companies. Wealth distribution in the world can is taken to exist in the form of an economic pyramid. At the top of the pyramid are the wealthy that have many chances for generating incomes while at the bottom of the pyramid are those who live on less than $2 daily. This last group consists of more than four billion of the world’s population. These people have been living under the mercies of the World Bank, and more recently, civil society organizations. This is the group of people who are the focus of this case study. Recent efforts It is important to note form the onset that the fact that this case study provides guidelines on how to approach marketing at the BOP does not imply that a number of successful advances have not been done in the past. In deed, as the paper progresses, a number of examples will be cited of how some companies have succeeded in the endeavor.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Educative campaigns and effective products assist these companies to eradicate such diseases. Others are organizations aiding the handicapped and small-scale farmers bond with the rest of the globe. Banks have not lagged behind as they conforming to the fiscal needs of the poor while power companies reach out to meet energy needs of the masses. Further, construction companies have been doing everything in their capacity to house the poor in dignified but affordable ways. In addition, the availability of many stores all over, assist in understanding and serving the needs of the poor people. All these innovative approaches have been geared towards creating gateways for the poor by offering them alternatives and fostering a sense of worth. Preparing the ground: Key concepts that marketers targeting the BOP should put in mind International marketers who have not embarked on significant marketing efforts targeting the BOP might wonder how the exercise is possible. There are a number of things that such organizations need to understand from the onset. To begin with, although there are instances of multinational companies (MNCs) who have undermined the efforts of the BOP to build dignified livelihoods, the great est harm such firms have done is to ignore the poor in entirety. The poor represents a potential market for goods and services. Active engagement of private firms at the BOP is a crucial component in creating inclusive capitalism. This is because competition for this market encourages awareness of the poor as consumers. It creates alternatives for them are they are not required to rely on the goods and services available in their villages. The bazillion dollar question that needs to be considered is why international marketers have not realized the potential in BOP markets and tapped. The answer lies with them. It is all in the mind. Everyone is a captive of his or her socialization. The lenses through which we view the world are manipulated by own beliefs, experiences, and existing management practices. Each of the dominant groups who have been on the forefront in fighting the good fight of eradicating poverty is inured by its own overriding logic. For instance, some countries like India, poor as it is, have been treating the private sector with much suspicion due to a perceived exploitative nature. Some charitable organizations also hold that the private sector is inconsiderate and uncaring and that organizations cannot be entrusted with the trouble of eradicating poverty among the masses. All these stakeholders have unanimously presumed that market-based solutions cannot lead to poverty eradication and economic development. For international marketers to succeed in marketing at the BOP, they have to break these implicit ideologies.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The nature of the BPO market Before providing a blueprint for guidelines on marketing at the BOP, it is important to consider the nature of the BOP market. This is because the BOP market has unique features that must be considered while engaging in mar keting endeavors. One of the most defining characteristics of the BOP markets is that there is money at the BOP. The overriding presumption among many international marketers is that the poor have no buying capacity, hence, do not represent a viable market. This is a gross misconception. This can be illustrated with the case of China, one of the developing countries. It has a population of 1.2 billion and an average GDP of $1000. Its current economy is estimated at $1.2 trillion. If the GDP-based figure were to be converted into its dollar buying capability equivalent, China would be already a $5.0 trillion economy, hence making it the second largest economy after the U.S. If the estimates extend to a sample of eight other developing countries including Mexico, Indonesia, India, Turkey, Brazil, Thailand, Russia and South Africa, the GDP would stand at $12.5 trillion. This GDP is greater than that of the so-called world’s super powers consisting of Japan, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, all combined. By all standards, the developing nations are not a market to ignore. Another characteristic of the BOP markets is accessibility. One again, the overriding misconception is that BOP markets are difficult to access, hence posing a major impediment to the participation of large firms and MNCs. This presumption does not take into account the expanding nature of the urban areas in the developing countries. For instance, it is expected that, by 2015, there will be more than 368 cities in the third world countries each with more than a million people. Together, these cities will account for about two billion people with more than 40 percent of these urban concentrations being BOP consumers. The density of these settlements will offer intense distribution opportunities. In the case of rural consumers, the BOP is not restrained to one distribution solution. A number of innovations have proved successful in the past. One such experiment is the Project Shakti at Hindustan Lever Ltd in India. The company created direct distribution network in inaccessible areas. This was done through the selection of entrepreneurial women from the villages and training them to become distributors. The project was a big success because the women understood the village needs and products that were in demand. International marketers interested in the BOP markets may have to borrow a leaf from such innovations.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Guidelines to be used when marketing to the BPO After looking at some of the defining characteristics of the BOP markets and demystifying the existing myths about them, it is time now to provide the essential guidelines that international marketers should consider while targeting this vulnerable group. One of the essential requirements in targeting the BOP is that international marketers have to create the capacity to consume among the ‘aspirational poor’. In order to convert the BOP into a consumer market, there is a need to access the cash-poor and those with a low level of income differently. The conventional approach in creating the capacity to consume among the BOP has been to provide products or services free of charge. This move has a philanthropic nature but hardly offers a lasting solution. One of the means of creating the capacity to consume is through making unit packages that are small, hence affordable. This is because the poor have unpredictable income str eams. In most cases, they subsist on daily wages and have to use the cash conservatively. In addition, they only buy when they have cash and when necessary. As such, single-serve innovation is extremely handy in the BOP markets. Some MNCs like Unilever have realized the logic in this approach and are living to tell the story. Another way of creating the capacity to consume is via innovative purchase schemes. This strategy has been proved a success in countries like Brazil where Casa Bahia provides credit to consumers making them able to purchase high-quality appliances. The strategy of creating the capacity to consume is founded on three principles. These include affordability, access, and availability. The logic in this scheme is to create the capacity to earn more in order to for BOP consumers to consume more. Another factor that companies should consider while targeting the BOP is that this group of people need new goods and services. Companies that have realized this logic have lived to tell their success story. These include Amul, which is a daily cooperative in India. The company introduced good quality ice cream, which was very affordable. The product is not only a source of enjoyment but also nutritious. The logic behind providing new products and services is to help the BOP develop economically, as well as promote good health. This helps boost their self-esteem as they acquire the dignity of attention and choices from firms that were initially a privilege of the middle calls and the rich. As stated earlier in this paper, marketing at the BOP involves more than the conventional western marketing mix programs. It requires a change in the philosophy for developing products and services. In order to adopt a successful principle of marketing at the BOP, companies need to consider a number of principles. The first principle is that marketing at the BOP requires focus on price performance of products and services. Serving BOP markets is more than just lower prices. It entails creating a new price-performance strategy. Another principle is that marketing at the BOP requires innovation. This innovation needs hybrid solutions. This is because BOP consumer problems cannot be remedied with outdated technologies. In addition, given that BOP markets are large, the remedies that are created ought to be scalable and transportable across countries, cultures, and languages. Solutions must be tailor-made for ease adaptation in similar BOP markets. Another principle that should guide companies targeting the BOP is that innovations ought to be centered on conserving resources. They should be geared towards eliminating, reducing, and recycling waste materials. If the ordinary BOP consumer were to use packaging as any other American or Japanese consumer, the world would soon have no room for resources used. To add, deskilling is also critical in coming up with products and services for the BOP markets. This is because most of the BOP consumers are poo r in skills. The design of products and services should, therefore, put into account the skill levels, poor infrastructure, and inaccessibility for services in remote locales. Another essential principle that should guide companies wishing to target the BOP is that the BOP market opportunity cannot be justified by outdated technology solutions from the developed world. The market should be addressed by the most superior technologies ingeniously coupled with established and evolving infrastructure. In addition, any innovations should be sustainable and ecologically friendly. To add on, innovation in BOP markets requires vital commitment in enlightening customers on the suitable use and the advantages of definite products and services. Conclusion In conclusion, the question of exploitation for a company profiting from selling soaps, shampoo, personal companies and ice cream to people with little disposable income does not arise. This paper is pro-BPO marketing. This presumption is bas ed on the myth that the BOP is a basket of compelling needs but not a market. Every market wishing to direct their efforts to the BOP must primarily do away with this notion. The marketing strategy should be grounded on the principles of design, demand, distribution, development and dignity. It should also be tailored towards creating a unique business model suitable to the local market that is both culturally sensitive and economically viable. Marketing at the BOP should include developing ways of overcoming the infrastructure impediments faced by these consumers. Although this paper may not have exhausted all the considerations that companies must put into place, any marketing efforts at the BOP that fall short of the guidelines outlined in this case study are not only bound to fail, but also inclined to be costly to the companies undertaking them. This case study on Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid was written and submitted by user Kinsley Booker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Their Not Always What They Seem To Be Professor Ramos Blog
Their Not Always What They Seem To Be What if you had to live in a foreign country where the president who you choose as your leader became so corrupted that manipulate the system to be reelected and take power over the peoples rights? Many Latin American countries are facing this corruption with presidents being in office for too many terms. They start coming across as good candidates for the good of the people and then they become corrupted and greedy. The people trust in these individuals to make the country a better place with more opportunities. Daniel Ortega, the president of Nicaragua, was first elected back in 1984 and re elected in 2007 for three term. Daniel Ortega the Sandinista leader and his brother Humberto Ortega and Frente Sandinista de Liberacià ³n Nacional (FSLN), a political organization from the left-wing,  organized political support among students, workers, and peasants. On July 1979, they defeated the National Guards and overthrew Anastasio Somoza former president at the time. Somoza and his family controlled  the national radio and telegraph networks, the postal and immigration services, health services, the internal revenue service, and the national railroads. They were living life to the fullest while the people lived in poverty. Daniel Ortega became very liked after taking over because the people thought he was a good man for helping to get rid of Somoza. Ortega became the first Nicaraguan president in history to peacefully surrender power to an opposition party (Morris). The man who gained the trust of so many Nicaraguans, started using his power for corruption and maintaining poverty as well. Parties in the coalition were stripped of their legal status by judges and electoral officials apparently controlled by Ortega’s government. The people are feeling betrayed by the president Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, for ordering increase in the amount that the employees and employers have to pay into the system while cutting benefits to elderly pensioners by 5% (Morris). The next day thousands of people including university students, pensioners, environmentalists, feminists, religious leader and many more filled up the streets protesting for Daniel Ortega and his wife to resign as president. The state shut down multiple television stations that were broadcasting live footage and ordered the anti-riot police to fire rounds into the crowd of protestors while ordering them to arrest students and attack universities in Managua the capital. The Nicaragua Center for Human Rights reports approximately 60 death. Journalist Angel Gahona, was killed streaming live footage of protestors in the Caribbean coastal city of Bluefields on Facebook. There were much more report by the Red Cross who were wounded and needed to be hospitalized. On the other hand, many others got incarcerated for looting stores. According to Ortega, the people imprisoned in the disturbances will be brought to trail. It isn’t easy for him to regain control of the streets especially because the people of Nicaragua are tired of his bullshit and are desperate for change. In Rome, Pope Francis called out for the violence to end and a peaceful resolution of the conflict. According to Jose de Cordoba from The Wall Street Journal, a spokeswoman from the State Department, Heather Nauert was not pleased with the â€Å"excessive force used by the police and others against civilians.†The State Department called in a meeting for the Nicaraguan government to restore all television coverage and allow a full investigation of the deaths during the protests. The Ortega government has been mishandling the social security system for years. They’ve used it as a piggy bank to finance housing projects and medical clinics created by Ortega’s association. According to Cordoba, the International Monetary Fund has send out a warning that the Nicaragua’s social security system could run out of money by 2019.  Many people work so hard most of their lives so they could accumulate money in their social security so they could have money to live on. This man is creating more poverty and crime. Most people in Nicaragua are becoming desperate and their breaking into peoples houses and businesses. As it is, Nicaragua remains one of the poorest countries in Latin America (Watts). Daniel Ortega undermine the power and authority of the country’s institutions and developed democracy seeking to form dictatorship like Anastasio Somoza (Cordoba). Ortega benefited in recent years from regular deposits of well over half a billion dollars in cash annually from oil-rich Venezuela. He divided the income between his own family, the private business community organized through a chamber of commerce known as COSEP that exercises broad influence on the local government, and distributed the rest through social security programs to maintain order. The people of Nicaragua are through with Daniel Ortega, they are hoping for change. It is devistating seeing the country I was born at go through these horrible moments. Besides it being the poorest country in Central America, its where God gave us the privilage to be born at. Nicaragua is a beautiful country of volcanoes, lakes and beaches. Taking from the elderly is not the soluation in my opinion. These people depend on their pensions to survive. The people in Nicaragua have lived in poverty for many years for this asshole and his wife to take more from the people is not right at all. They seem to be enjoying their lives while Nicaraguans are struggling to make ends meet. There has to be some kind of change in how our voices are heard so we are able to make changes if needed. Its very sad how Daniel Ortega handled the protests. He had no right to kill all those unarmed individual protesting for change. Can you imagine if you had to live in a country like Nicaragua. Maybe if we had better leaders and government system, the people wouldnt have to look elsewhere to go or even cross the border to seek better opportunities for their families. Hopefully the U.S. could step in and help the people of Nicaragua get rid the president and his wife so they could live in peace. Blair, Laurence. â€Å" More Than 350 Million Latin American Voters to Elect New Leaders in 2018.†The Guardian. 27 December 2017. Watts, Jonathan. â€Å"Nicaragua President Re-elected in Landslide Amid Claims of Rigged Vote.†The Guardian. 7 November 2016. Morris, Courtney Desiree. â€Å"Unexpected Uprising: The Crisis of Democracy in Nicaragua.†NACLA. 14 May 2018. De Cordoba, Jose. â€Å"Nicaragua Revokes Legislation That Increased Payroll Tax, Cut Pension Benefits.†The Wall Street Journal. 22 April 2018
Saturday, November 23, 2019
E,; Epweee Essay
E,; Epweee Essay E,; Epweee Essay 175 Longstreet Dr. Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 January 4, 2013 New Hanover High School 1307 Market St. Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Reader: As a junior in high school, I have continued be an honor student ever since freshman year. I also feel inclined to maintain the position I currently uphold through my senior year. Subsequent to finishing high school, I plan to go any of the three colleges including UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, and East Carolina University. I am aspired to major somewhere between marketing, business and finance. During the time I spent researching Michelle Obama’s nutritional plan and childhood obesity, I have gained a lot of knowledge concerning this generation’s lifestyle health wise. Personally, I researched this project because of my curiosity of why and how people get to be their size besides the obvious. I learned that the cause of obesity in general is not only poor diet and lack in exercise, but that the everlasting advancement technology has one of the main reasons. The process of this research project taught me a lot about time management. Procrastination is a huge factor that as a people, we should really eliminate out of our lives. During the process of this project, I decided to continue the importance and implanted interest within me in further research for my graduation project. Childhood obesity is an issue that, in argument, I would take delight in taking sides with the health smart lifestyle.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sustainable Use of Gas in Israel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Sustainable Use of Gas in Israel - Assignment Example Since then, other deposits have been found on the shores of Israel along the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, all the gas deposits were for exportation, but since 2004, there has been an increase in the demand for gas within the local economy. Industries were growing and the energy demand of the country was rising. However, the extraction of gas has numerous effects on the environment. This is made worse by the fact that drilling of gas is done in the sea as this endangers the marine life. Most drilling companies do not adhere to the strict environmental regulations due to the offshore nature of this activity. However, in the recent past, there have been instances that have resulted in spillages in the sea and this has brought to light the activities of these offshore companies. The main role of this project is, therefore, to come up with a framework by which the gas companies can operate sustainable businesses by considering the impact that this industry has on the environment. The country of Israel is well endowed with natural resources. Most of this has been in the oil sector with the country having many refineries. In 2009, the Tamar natural gas deposits were found off the coast of Haifa, Israel. This discovery marked a major turnaround in the energy sector for Israel (Cohn 2010). The Tamar gas fields are one of the largest natural gas deposits in the world and have the potential to meet all the energy requirements of Israel for the next 20 or 30 years. This was however only the beginning because in the next year there was the discovery of several other deposits in Leviathan and Tanin. The Leviathan deposit is twice as big as the Tamar deposit. This marked a major shift in the fortunes of Israel as it begun to exploit these natural resources. The location of Israel next to the major oil producers in the world had not helped it meet its energy demand given the hostile relations between Israel and most of these nations.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Artist research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Artist - Research Paper Example Laurie Ann’s immigration to Spain could be considered as one of the most highlighted chapter in her life. Her views to natural things became uniquely appealing. For example, she had found the beauty of the decayed walls of the demolished building in Spain (Blogspot, 2010). With this, she imitated the styles of the â€Å"imprinted†walls, and she started to collect the relics, and the remains of the demolished site to create a new genre of art through â€Å"urban decay†painting. One of her paintings related to this style is the â€Å"Return Home†(see Figure 1) piece created in the year 2009. The painting has dominant colors of white, light brown, black lines and gray zigzag lines, which could make someone feel an ancient wind in an old-fashioned house. Moreover, the longhand letters in the house walls represent a mysterious love that one starves to evoke and feel. In the long run, Laurie created her three other main paintings: â€Å"The High Tower†(2009), â€Å"The Castle†(2009), and â€Å"the Patina†(2010). The figure 2 painting shows an ordinary house drawn on a wall. There is an opened door in the right side of the painting which creates a three-dimensional illusion of being inside a room. In addition, the house on the left side of the painting has a triangle rooftop and a long rectangular body with stairway connected to a church found in the upper-right corner. There is a black shadow heart above the rooftop of the church that may represent the bitter feeling of an angry child who is outside the church. The child could have wanted to play, to pray and explore the world without many restrictions. In the Figure 3 shown above, â€Å"The Castle†(2009) painting represents a picture of an abandoned building with a horizontal space and an opened window in the right side. One can dance in the boundless wind of the horizontal space, and to imagine the house like a kingdom of his own. One can step-up freely in the two stairs of the building without
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How Has Globalization Affected Corporate Strategy in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free
How Has Globalization Affected Corporate Strategy in the 21st Century Essay In the last 21 years the notion of a multinational company has changed significantly. This is best demonstrated by the 1973 United Nations definition, which clearly stated an enterprise is multinational if it controls assets, factories, mines, sales offices, and the like in two or more countries (Bartlett, Ghoshal 2000 p.3). As we know a multinational corporation is much more then just that it controls foreign assets, it must also have a substantial direct investment in foreign countries, as well as engaging in some form of management of these foreign assets. The evolution of corporations over this time has been somewhat difficult and by no means is the process of change finalized. As with most things this evolution and learning process could be seen as being life long. The environment in which we operate clearly evolves each year and to stay ahead businesses are now required to stay ahead of developments to compete. Some of the slower players, such as Phillips (Bartlett 1999) merely lost market share through this evolution, others in the past and perhaps in the future will lose their businesses. To understand the importance of multinational corporations in relation to the world economy we see that they account for over 40 percent of the worlds manufacturing output, and almost a quarter of world trade (Bartlett, Ghoshal 2000 p.3). Although the focus is often on the larger players such as Ford, Procter and Gamble, or Coca Cola as time progresses it is more the smaller companies which we will need to keep an eye on, as they become important players, especially in international niche markets(Bartlett, Ghoshal 2000 p.3). Traditionally there were three motivations for most organisations to enter international markets, or to undertake investment overseas. These were: 1. Suppliers the ongoing need to source supplies for operations (adapted from Bartlett, Ghoshal 1989, 2000). 2. Markets seeking additional markets to sell products. Traditionally companies went international to sell excess production lines, or to meet one off needs. The market then moved to increased competition where players were keen to be the first mover to a market, so as to gain a competitive advantage. Corporations were often driven by the home country size, with the need for further consumers for ongoing viability and growth (adapted from Bartlett, Ghoshal 1989, 2000) 3. Lower Cost by seeking production facilities which would attract lower labor costs and hence higher profits. Clothing and electronics were the first movers in this strategy, usually looking to developing countries such as China or Taiwan. This is still used somewhat today as a strategy, such as large call centers providing services in India for most Australian banks (adapted from Bartlett, Ghoshal 1989, 2000) It is not my intention to go into the advantages and disadvantages of a corporation entering an international market, or to continue to operate in an international market, beyond the above three initial drivers. What is imperative that in the 21st Century an organisation must seek a strategy that meets the organisations ongoing needs which is clear and precise so as to provide direction for future growth. Due to the ongoing worldwide demand after WWII, most organisations prospered when entering international markets. Often however the strategies to entry were ad hoc and did not provide clear objectives or guidance for ongoing management. Operations were based on an ethnocentric approach. Even though at the time they were referred to as Multinational Corporations, literature now refers to them as International Corporations. As international operations expanded and took on a more important role in the organisation, such as being a key profit centre, or perhaps a product innovation being conceived in an offshore operation, they tended to come under increased management scrutiny, such as the case with Fuji Xerox (Gomes-Casseres, McQuade 1991). This then progressed the corporation to a multinational approach, international markets being as important or even more important then the home market, which is more a polycentric approach to management. The potential from these operations were reviewed by management; the possibilities for cost reductions due to standardization moved most corporations onto the next phase being the global corporation mentality. This is that the entire world is a potential market. Retaining a image from their initial home country, such as McDonalds, they seek to enter all markets to service all customers, hence a regiocentric or geocentric philosophy of management. Bartlett and Ghoshal have gone beyond this to advocate the development of the transnational corporation. This takes the concept of global corporations one step further. Corporations to prosper in a globally competitive environment, should concentrate wherever possible on responding to cost pressures, leveraging of knowledge and information, whilst ensuring local responsiveness to consumer needs (1989 p.13). Cost reduction are imperative to ensure the ongoing viability of corporations. The sharing of costs globally for items such as R D and mass production both provide examples of significant cost reductions, while enhancing learning and knowledge. By increasing the availability of information across the group you are more likely to also encounter a higher quality product as the innovation and knowledge is shared for the corporations greater good. Often companies forget that knowledge does not just reside in just the home country. Important information such as the local consumer market are often best to be determined by local managers so as to respond to local needs. In relation to local responsiveness Theodore Levitt (1983) provides a somewhat extreme view of the global market. His philosophy is that technological, social and economic developments over the last two decades have combined to create a unified world marketplace in which companies must capture global-scale economies to remain competitive. As we have discussed, the need to become competitive through reduction in costs is imperative for every business. However Levitts concept of a unified marketplace with homogenous needs has still some way to go. As researched by Procter and Gamble even how we wash our clothes differs throughout the world, sometimes even within each country. The provision of a standardized product to suit all in this industry would be a failure due to not meeting the needs of local consumers (Bartlett 1983). When we review these three elements of cost reduction, leverage of knowledge and local responsiveness we are aware that these terms are somewhat contradictory. History tells us that to provide local responsiveness you need to increase costs to increase the number of products which meet a specific consumer groups needs. The alternative is to standardize products to achieve economies of scale during production and marketing. Caterpillar has somewhat successfully implemented such a strategy. They redesigned their products around the use of standardized components. These are produced on mass through large production facilities to reduce the component costs and provide economies of scale. Machines are then transported to foreign markets where localized knowledge and components adapt the machines to the needs of local consumers (Srinivasa 1985). The overall approach is that they are able to combine all three elements of the transnational approach. Corporations also need to be aware of the increasingly complex nature of undertaking business in an international market. Social, cultural, and political environments, as well as currency fluctuations, and geographic diversity need to be considered carefully in any decision to undertake a foreign operation. It is best to research thoroughly and constantly review any strategy for overseas ventures as situations can change as in any business venture quite quickly. An example of this would be the increased use of Indonesia as a low cost production base for Australian corporations. With the increased political instability and also terrorism most corporations would be considering the ongoing viability of continuing in this market. Finally corporations need to be aware that to make any significant changes to an corporation strategy or structure it is both extremely complex, time consuming and challenging. As Ford has discovered, by constantly changing strategies to seek higher profitability, all they have been able to achieve has been another announcement of huge losses in 2001 from failed global ventures (Hill, Jones 2004 p276). The move to a transnational approach for most corporations would need to be a slow progression, while for some it is even perhaps out of reach. By focusing on the main elements of cost reduction, knowledge leveraging and local differentiation perhaps this will provide an avenue in the future for continued competitive advantage in an environment which is slowly moving towards Levitts concept of the global village (1983). Perhaps the key lies with Bartlett and Ghoshal when they tell us that companies must now respond simultaneously to diverse and often conflicting strategic needs. Today, no firm can succeed with a relatively unidimensional strategic capability that emphasizes only efficiency, or responsiveness, or leveraging of parent company knowledge and competencies. To win, a company must now achieve all three goals at the same time (1989 p 25). REFERENCE LISTING Bartlett, Christopher A. 1983 Case 6-1 Proctor and Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch, taken from Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 2000 Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 3rd Edn, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore, pp 632 647. Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 1989 Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution, Harvard Business School Press, Boston Massachusetts. Barlett, Christopher A. 1999 Case 2 -4 Phillips and Matsushita 1998: Growth of 2 Companies, taken from Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 2000 Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 3rd Edn, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore, pp 164 -180 Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 2000 Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 3rd Edn, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore. Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin McQuade, Krista 1991 Case 4-1 Xerox and Fuji Xerox, taken from Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 2000 Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 3rd Edn, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore, pp 418 443 Hill, Charles W. L Jones, Gareth R. 2004 Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach, 6th Edn, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. Levitt, T. 1983 The Globalization of Markets Harvard Business Review, May June, pp. 92 102. Srinivasa, Rangan V. 1985 Case 3-1 Caterpillar Tractor Co., taken from Bartlett, Christopher A. Ghoshal, Sumantra 2000 Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 3rd Edn, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore, pp 259 279.
Friday, November 15, 2019
gene and our Destiny Essay --
It is pretty difficult for one to understand or realize what determine our destiny. Even though genes influence every aspect of human physiology, development, and adaptation there are many questions left unanswered. For instance, what influences or determines my sense of who I am? What makes me distinct from other people? To what extent do I determine my own destiny? Does gene make me addicted to crime, alcoholism or drug abuse? What is the relationship between one’s intelligent and gene? How does science inform human identity? In an attempt to answer this questions various researchers have come up with contradicting ideas in determining if our characteristics and behaviors are primarily due to genetics or the environment in which we live. There are many issues and aspects of lives that influence us daily. These aspects create different situations that lead us to determine our path and destiny. To begin with, our similarities to our parents in personality is entirely genetic, we are born with a set of genes that never change. For instance, during conception two set of genes joint together into one and from that moment D.N.A starts to determine certain characteristics that we possess. For example, we all accept that gene determines our eye color, height, blood type, gender, color of the hair and other biological factors. But scientists have begun exploring the role of gene in our behaviors, many believe that the power of gene determines all consequences in our lives and others believe that genes do not determine everything in a person life. Many studies have been done to find out whether our destiny is written in gene or determined by circumstances. All this studies reveals that gene may determine how we behave in a given situat... that can influence us both positively and negatively. By doing something constantly make perfect exercise make us healthier and the more we learn, the more lifestyle or nurture seems to play in determining our characteristics as individuals. Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise have a profound role in health and fitness and may offer even further benefits. Passion, drive, and hard work are perhaps just as important to success as a natural-born ability. Genes tell us a lot about who we are physically, socially and mentally but environment also play a key role. We as members of human species we are born to change. Our destiny we make ourselves despite the factors we have no control over them. So the answer to whether the genes determine our destiny is still out. It appears that both gene and environment may be equally important in determining who we are.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Holistic Development Essay
Every child is unique, all children are different no child is the same so this means that all children will grow and develop at different speeds and different rates. Meggitt (2006 p1) states â€Å"developmental norms are sometimes called milestones – they describe the recognised pattern of development that children are expected to follow. Each child will develop in a unique way†. Holistic development sees a child as a whole person it sees all the child’s areas of development. Each area of development that children will develop in, are dependent on one another they interconnect. Even though there are different areas of development and people see them as different areas, they are interconnected to one another or a child would not develop. So when a child progresses in one area, this will indefinitely effect progress in another area so if something when wrong in one area of development, say physical this will have effect on all the other areas social, emotional, intellectual and language. There are also many things that will have influence on a child’s development, teachers, parents, observations and the environment I am now going to talk about these below. Role of the teacher A teacher has a major role of a child holistic development. They will help all the children in there care with all areas of there development. A teacher can help children with any part of their development weather this be physical social etc. I think that a teacher is a very important part of a child’s development, as ezinarticles (2010) says â€Å"We can say that parents and teachers play a very important role in shaping child’s future. †A teacher will help a child with their mental and physiological development, but not only do they help with this but they also help with children learning about table manners, unity, team work and sharing which a child needs to learn in their life and can be sometimes they can be the more important things in life to make the child a better and friendly person. To help children with their development teachers have the early years foundation stage to follow Direct Gov. say that the early years foundation stage is (direct. gov 2011) â€Å"Schools and early year’s providers have to follow a structure of learning, development and care for children from birth to five years old. This is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and it enables your child to learn through a range of activities†The foundation stage is split up in to four themes these themes are learning and development, positive relationships, enabling environment and unique child. The learning and development theme is split in to six sections language, communication and literacy, problem solving, reasoning and numeracy, creative, physical personal social and emotional knowledge and understanding of the world. The teachers will follow this to help them with planning activities to help a child development on a whole. The EYFS other themes are equally as important as learning and development. Positive relationships are about the teaching make good and professional relationships with both the children in their class and the children’s parents/guardians. By the teachers in the class showing good and respectful relationships with both them the staff in the class and their parents this will encourage the children to do the same. The unique child’s is also equally as important as the other areas of the EYFS. This theme is all about the children and caring for them as they need to be cared for at a young age, not to discriminate them on their race, age, disability culture, also to keep them as safe as possible in the class and in the school. It very important to also take in to consideration as child’s wellbeing and health. Enabling environments when a child comes in to school in the morning they want to feel comfortable and relaxed so by setting up an environment that will help this will help the child. Enabling environment is also about observations using observations to evaluate and form assessments for the children. Sometimes as an early years teacher when it comes to a child development they only want what is best for the child to help them with their development. One implication that a teacher could find could be with the parents, if the parents refuse for the teachers to help the children with their development as some parents think they always know what is best for the child, which they are there parents and know the children the best but not always there development, so it is very important that us as early years teachers keep the parents involved in their child’s development. We can do this in many ways some of these are observations, photos, work they have done, chats. A teacher will have a major influence on a child holistic development in all different ways. They will help with a child’s behaviour by setting examples of what behaviour is right and wrong in their classroom and showing praise for good behaviour and discipline for bad behaviour. A classroom environment can have also have an effect on a child’s holistic development, by the teacher knowing the children they will be able to set up and environment that the children will like and enjoy and feel welcome in the teachers can do this by asking the children what they would like in their classroom as using a few of the children ideas around the classroom, this will make the children feel a lot more welcome as they will feel that they have made a contribution to the classroom area. This will have an effect on a child’s development (National Strategies 2008) states â€Å"Create an indoor environment that is reassuring and comforting for all children, while providing interest through novelty from time to time†. By creating an enabling environment where children feel welcomed they are more likely to use it and develop within it. It’s not just the class room where teachers can create this, the outdoors is where children learn and develop and explore when there young so by bringing the children’s interests outside too it will help them develop a whole lot more. For example if the children were really in to dinosaurs you could adapt on this to make the children’s learning more fun, helping them with all areas of their development through dinosaurs, they can draw dinosaurs – creative development, count dinosaurs spots – cognitive development, see how dinosaurs lived – social and emotional development, dinosaurs role play area. Create and area outside with trees a dinosaurs habitat and let the children create it with the teacher, so they are fully involved there are loads of different games and learning opportunities that you can create from children’s interest. By doing this it mean that the children will be interested in learning and being involved therefore learning and developing a whole lot more. The role that teachers have with a child language development is important in an early years setting. The teachers will follow the letters and sounds frame which works along with the early years foundation stage. The letters and sounds documentation is used in many early years foundations stages to help the children learn their letters and sounds; it uses many different strategies like jolly phonics. Letters-and-sounds 2010) â€Å"It aims to build children’s speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. †This piece of documentation that has come in recently to help children learn the letters and the sounds of the letters. It will help the children to read and write not only that but it will help with their social skills talking to other people getting the letter sounds right. Physical development has become more and more important in schools because of the growing rate of childhood obesity, so the role of the teacher in physical education has become more important than ever. Children learn through physical development as they like to look around and explore as the early years foundation stage states (EYFS 2008) â€Å"Babies and young children are born with a deep interest in people and with a drive to find out about their world. Their search for meaning is an active process as they seek to understand how people behave and communicate, how objects work and what can be done with them, and how space can be used†children are always active when in school whether this be using there fine motor skills by writing or using their gross motor skills outside playing on the bikes. Children have needs to be active and it is important for them to be active to have a healthy lifestyle. By children being active this is where they learn about their world as there are fascinated by it roaming around on a field looking for snails and slugs children need to do this to learn about the things in their environment. Furthermore outside physical development is just as important as young children love to run about so it is important for the teacher in their role to plan activities for the outside. It states in the document every child outdoors, (every child outdoors 2010) â€Å"Nature is a major motivating factor for exercise. There is very strong evidence that being outdoors is the most powerful correlate of physical activity, particularly in pre-school children†Social and emotional development are closely linked together so when teachers are developing children in these area the teacher will link these two together. Children will develop their social and emotional development by going to school and making friends. It is important for the teacher to build a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. A child cognitive development is learned through all the other reas of development, as is their language development they will learn language through doing all different activities and will learn new vocabulary by learning new activities. Role of the parents Parents are probably the most important people in a child life meaning they are the ones who majorly help their children with their development. The parents are the ones who start children off with their development, from the day they are born they help them to hold their head up, walk and learn to talk etc. Parents help their children with all the areas of development more than others. â€Å"High levels of nurturance combined with moderate levels of control help adults be responsible child rearing agents for their children and help children become mature, competent members of society. †Parents will know the major mile stones in a child’s development like walking and talking but sometimes parents do not know the little bits of a child’s development, like there mental development, social skills, gaining knowledge and understanding of the world and this can sometimes be the most important. Then this is where a teacher parent relationship can be very important so that they can communicate with each other about their child’s development. It is important that the parents are involved in their child learning and development at school as well as at home for the child’s wellbeing. Parents will help their children to develop in all the different five areas of development which are language development, physical development, cognitive development and social and emotional development. Parents can also have an influence on their child’s development; some parents might find some areas of development more important than others and push their children to develop in these areas more. This could mean that there child may lack in other areas an example of this could be, some parents might think that a child’s cognitive development is more important than a child physical development. So the parents may make the child focus on developing in there cognitive development, and not so much in their physical development so this may mean that the child may not be developing as well in their physical development as they would be in there cognitive. Some parents worry about their children’s development when their children are not at a stage of development that there meant to be at. Any parent will worry about this especially when they are young. All children develop and grow at different rates and speeds as all children are different. The every parent matter documentation (every parent’s matters 2007) states â€Å"many parents are unsure about how they can help their child to learn. They really shouldn’t worry one of the best way to support a child’s development is to have fun with them. †That is what the most important thing is for a child is to have fun to help them to develop especially with their parents as they are the main influences on a child life specially a young child. It is important for a child to play and have fun because children learn through play and it is an important part of their life. When a child is outside hunting for worms or playing on the bikes they just think they are playing but as early year’s teachers we know that they are learning through doing this as will their parents. Roles of observations Observations are very, very important for a child’s holistic development they can play an important part of a child’s development and can potentially help them or can find something wrong with the child‘s development. They can do this by evaluating the observation and comparing it to the thing that they were observing the child for and see whether the child did or didn’t do what the observer was observing for. Observations will mainly be done by the teachers in schools as they have to do them as teachers but parents will also do observations of their children even if this is just watching their children at the park or playing with their toys. There are many different types of observations that a teacher will do some of these are photo observations, written, time sample, sociagram etc. Teachers do observations so that they can see where a child is with their development by doing this they will be able to see if there ahead, at the right level or behind with their development. They can then help the child to progress in a way that suits that child as every child is different and are at different stages of development. When you have done an observation you can then see how affective that observation has been to you and to the child. You will be able to see how affective the observation has been by looking at the results of the observation and again comparing them to what you were observing the child for. A teacher can then see what they can do to help the child; they can then make a judgement on what to do next for the child to help them if they need it in anyway. There are many implications when undertaking observations on a child because they behaviour of the child that day may be different to any other day because something has happened. Another reason could be that the child is tired there are many reasons that a child may behave different that day. This is why teachers with normally do two to three observations of a child on different days at different times to make sure something that have seen that day is nothing out of the ordinary for the child. Doing professional observations does take practice to do them properly. It is important that an early year’s teacher doesn’t just make assumptions from one observation unless they are perfectly sure that they are right from what they have seen. This is why it is important to do more than one observation on a child. Role of the environment The environment in the modern day is having greater effect on a child’s development, more than it ever has in the past. Times are changing and so are the children because of the changing in the environment. Children’s personalities and development can depend on the environment that a child lives in me now quote from associated content (associated content 2008) â€Å". The behaviour patterns children learn depend heavily on models to which they are exposed. The socio-cultural environment is the source of differences as well as similarities in personality development. †Children are not developing at the same rate they did 10 years ago because of the changing of the environment. Society nowadays the children prefer to sit in doors on computer games than play outside with their friends and family. Which is effecting all areas of a child’s development social, emotional, physical, language and especially there cognitive development. It is important for children to go out into the environment and explore, as young children do love to do this, children can learn a lot from the environment. According to recent research it is important for children to explore the environment as if they don’t it can really effect and stunt a child’s academic and development growth. Less and less children are not visiting the countryside to go on walks with parents or grandparents whereas their parents and grandparents would have done this a lot with their family or friends. Fewer children are climbing trees and playing on the park which is natural and humane thing for children to do. When children come home they look more forward to playing on the computer or Xbox than going down to the park or going to play football. By children not getting outside as much and sitting in doors they are growing rates of childhood obesity , which is causing major concerns for children’s development especially there physical development. Also by children playing on their games all day they concentrate less at school and are becoming less interested in school. It is important for children to get outside and explore the environment. Conclusion What a child’s development means to me? It means a lot it is important for a child to grow and to develop at their own rate, as I’ve said throughout this essay every child is different no child is the same. Of course it is important for a child to develop to the developmental norms for their age, to keep up with things and other children there age but some children will develop more rapidly and some children will develop more slowly. Holistic development is all about that, see the child as a whole developing as a whole putting the areas of development together interlinking them all. In conclusion to this I personally think that no area of development for a child is more important than the other, as it is important that a child develops in all there areas of development in their own way. Of course some children are going to develop better in some areas than others that is near enough proven with every child but I think that no area of development Is more important that the next. Some parents may think that cognitive development is the most important area of development, as they may think that children need to be clever/ intelligent to have a good life and a good future ahead of them, but this is not always the case as some children cannot do so well in school even hate school and not develop well in there cognitive development but be absolutely fantastic in other areas say physical and in their future they could become an athlete which is still a brilliant future for a child.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Information Security Fundamentals Essay
Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences. 1. How does a false positive alarm differ from a false negative one? From a security perspective, which is least desirable? A false positive attack is where the system IDPS was alarmed but no attack ever occurred. The false negative is where an actual attack occurs and the IDPS isn’t alarmed at all. The least desirable would definitely be the false negative, if an attack does occur and the IDPS doesn’t even alarm well what’s the point in even having it if it isn’t going to alarm. 2. What is a honeypot? How is it different from a honeynet? A honeypot is a decoy system that will lure potential hackers away from the networks critical systems. A honeynet is where the system subnet is constantly changing and it lures attackers away by redirecting the the subsystems that are rich in information. 3. What capabilities should a wireless security toolkit include? Definitely should be able sniff incoming packets, scan the wireless hosts, and be able to view the level of privacy. Keeping an eye on vulnerability is a must because wireless networks can be a little easier to breach especially if the right security measures are not implemented. 4. A key feature of hybrid IDPS systems is event correlation. After researching event correlation online, define the following terms as they are used in this process: compression, suppression, and generalization. Compression is when it will take several occurrences and will examine it multiple duplicates. Suppression is where the IDPS will just alert you if something major has happened instead of it just triggering off something simple it will still let you know that something triggered it. Associates alarms with higher leveled events, can be useful when corresponding with multiple failed ports. 5. ZoneAlarm is a PC-based firewall and IDPS tool. Visit the product manufacturer at, and find the product specification for the IDPS features of ZoneAlarm. Which of the ZoneAlarm products offer these features? 6. Using the Internet, search for commercial IDPS systems. What classification systems and descriptions are used, and how can these be used to compare the features and components of each IDPS? Create a comparison spreadsheet identifying the classification systems you find. 7. Use the Internet to find vendors of thumbprint and iris scanning tools. Which of these tools is more economical? Which of these is least intrusive? 8. There are several online passphrase generators available. Locate at least two of them on the Internet, and try them out. What did you observe?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Simple Cuisiner (to Cook) Verb Conjugations in French
Simple Cuisiner (to Cook) Verb Conjugations in French When you want to say to cook in French you have two options. One is cuire and the other is cuisiner, which is the subject of this verb conjugation lesson. Since we borrowed the word cuisine in English to speak about styles of food, this one should be easy to remember. Conjugating the French Verb Cuisiner Cuisiner is a regular -ER verb and that makes conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense just a little easier. Thats because this is the most common verb conjugation pattern found in French. Once you learn the appropriate verb endings for cuisiner, you can apply them to countless other verbs. To conjugate cuisiner, begin by identifying the verb stem: cuisin-. To this, various endings are added to match the tense to the appropriate subject pronoun for your sentence. For example, I cook is je cuisine and we will cook is nous cuisinerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je cuisine cuisinerai cuisinais tu cuisines cuisineras cuisinais il cuisine cuisinera cuisinait nous cuisinons cuisinerons cuisinions vous cuisinez cuisinerez cuisiniez ils cuisinent cuisineront cuisinaient The Present Participle of Cuisiner The present participle of cuisiner is cuisinant. This is formed by simply adding -ant to the verb stem and it can also act as an adjective, gerund, or noun. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © A common way to express the past tense cooked in French is with the passà © composà ©. To construct it, you must first conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to match the subject pronoun. The past participle cuisinà ©Ã‚ is then added. It all comes together quickly: I cooked is jai cuisinà © and we cooked is nous avons cuisinà ©. Note how ai and avons are conjugates of avoir and that the past participle does not change. More Simple Cuisiner Conjugations Among the other simple conjugations of cuisiner that you might need are the following. The verb moods of the subjunctive and the conditional imply that the action of cooking may not be guaranteed. In literature, you might also find the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je cuisine cuisinerais cuisinai cuisinasse tu cuisines cuisinerais cuisinas cuisinasses il cuisine cuisinerait cuisina cuisint nous cuisinions cuisinerions cuisinmes cuisinassions vous cuisiniez cuisineriez cuisintes cuisinassiez ils cuisinent cuisineraient cuisinrent cuisinassent To express cuisiner in exclamations, requests, or demands, use the imperative form. When doing so, the subject pronoun is not required: use cuisine rather than tu cuisine. Imperative (tu) cuisine (nous) cuisinons (vous) cuisinez
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Myth of Cupid and Psyches Forbidden Love
The Myth of Cupid and Psyche's Forbidden Love The great Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, was born from the foam near the island of Cyprus, for which reason she is referred to as the Cyprian. Aphrodite was a jealous goddess, but she was also passionate. Not only did she love the men and gods in her life, but her sons and grandchildren, as well. Sometimes her possessive instincts led her too far. When her son Cupid found a human to love one whose beauty rivaled hers Aphrodite did all in her power to thwart the marriage. How Cupid and Psyche Met Psyche was worshiped for her beauty in her homeland. This drove Aphrodite mad, so she sent a plague and let it be known the only way the land could get back to normal was to sacrifice Psyche. The king, who was Psyches father, tied Psyche up and left her to her death at the hands of some presumed fearsome monster. You may note that this isnt the first time in Greek mythology that this happened. The great Greek hero Perseus found his bride, Andromeda, tied up as prey for a sea monster. Andromeda was sacrificed to appease Poseidon who had ravaged the country of Ethiopia, which was ruled by her father after Queen Cassiopeia had boasted about her own beauty. In the case of Psyche, it was Aphrodites son Cupid who released and married the princess. The Mystery About Cupid Unfortunately for the young couple, Cupid and Psyche, Aphrodite was not the only one trying to foul things up. Psyche had two sisters who were as jealous as Aphrodite. Cupid was a wonderful lover and husband to Psyche, but there was one odd thing about their relationship: He made sure Psyche never saw what he looked like. Psyche didnt mind. She had a fulfilling nightlife in the dark with her husband, and during the day, she had all the luxuries she could ever want. When the sisters learned about the luscious, extravagant lifestyle of their lucky, beautiful sister, they urged Psyche to pry into the area of his life that Psyches husband kept hidden from her. Cupid was a god, and gorgeous as he had to have been with Aphrodite for a mother, but for reasons known best to him, he didnt want his mortal wife to see his form. Psyches sister didnt know he was a god, although they may have suspected it. However, they did know that Psyches life was much happier than theirs. Knowing their sister well, they preyed on her insecurities and persuaded Psyche that her husband was a hideous monster. Psyche assured her sisters they were wrong, but since shed never seen him, even she started having doubts. Psyche decided to satisfy the girls curiosity, so that night she took a candle to her sleeping husband in order to look at him. Cupid Deserts Psyche Cupids angelic form was exquisite, so Psyche stood there gawking at her husband with her candle melting. While Psyche dawdled, ogling, a bit of wax dripped on her husband. Her rudely awakened, irate, disobeyed, injured husband-angel-god flew away. See, I told you she was a no good human, said mother Aphrodite to her convalescing son Cupid. Now youll have to be content among the gods. Cupid might have gone along with the de facto divorce, but Psyche couldnt. Impelled by the love of her gorgeous husband, she implored her mother-in-law to give her another chance. Aphrodite agreed, but ungraciously, saying, I cannot conceive that any serving-wench as hideous as yourself could find any means to attract lovers save by making herself their drudge; wherefore now I myself will make trial of your worth. The Epic Trials of Psyche But Aphrodite had no intention of playing fair. She devised 4 tasks (not 3 as is conventional in mythic hero quests; this is a feminine story), each task more exacting than the last. Psyche passed the first 3 challenges with flying colors, but the last task was too much for Psyche: Sort a huge mount of barley, millet, poppy seeds, lentils, and beans. Ants (pismires) help her sort the grains within the time allotted.Gather a hank of the wool of the shining golden sheep. A reed tells her how to accomplish this task without being killed by the vicious animals.Fill a crystal vessel with the water of the spring that feeds the Styx and Cocytus. An eagle helps her out.Aphrodite asked Psyche to bring her back a box of Persephones beauty cream. Going to the Underworld was a challenge for the bravest of the Greek mythical heroes. Demigod Hercules could go to the Underworld without much bother, but even Theseus had trouble and had to be rescued by Hercules. Psyche barely batted an eye when Aphrodite told her she would have to go to the most dangerous region known to mortals. That part was easy, especially after the tower told her how to find the entryway to the Underworld, how to get around Charon and Cerberus, and how to behave before the Underworld queen. The part of the fourth task that was too much for Psyche was the temptation to make herself more beautiful. If the perfect beauty of the perfect goddess Aphrodite needed this Underworld beauty cream, Psyche reasoned, how much more would it help an imperfect mortal woman? Thus, Psyche retrieved the box successfully, but then she opened it and fell into a deathlike sleep, as Aphrodite had secretly predicted. And by and by shee opened the boxe where she could perceive no beauty nor any thing else, save onely an infernall and deadly sleepe, which immediatly invaded all her members as soone as the boxe was uncovered, in such sort that she fell downe upon the ground, and lay there as a sleeping corps.William Adlington Translation (1566) Reunion and Happy Ending to the Myth of Cupid and Psyche At this point, divine intervention was called for if the story were to have an ending that made anyone really happy. With Zeus connivance, Cupid brought his wife to Olympus where, at Zeuss command, she was given nectar and ambrosia so she would become immortal. Incontinently after Jupiter commanded Mercury to bring up Psyches, the spouse of Cupid, into the Pallace of heaven. And then he tooke a pot of immortality, and said, Hold Psyches, and drinke, to the end thou maist be immortall, and that Cupid may be thine everlasting husband. On Olympus, in the presence of the other gods, Aphrodite reluctantly reconciled with her pregnant daughter-in-law, who was about to give birth to a grandchild Aphrodite would (obviously) dote on, named Pleasure. Another Story of Cupid and Psyche C.S. Lewis took Apuleius version of this myth and turned it on its ear in Till We Have Faces. The tender love story is gone. Instead of having the story seen through the eyes of Psyche, its seen through her sister Orvals perspective. Instead of the refined Aphrodite of the Roman story, the mother goddess in C.S. Lewis version is a far more weighty, chthonic Earth-Mother-Goddess power.
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