Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Strategies to prevent Stress & Burnout in Nursing Research Paper
Strategies to prevent Stress & Burnout in Nursing - Research Paper Example A number of studies have explored burnout and stress among nurses in many countries in relation to patient outcomes. Too often, burnouts are directly linked to increased mortality, patient dissatisfaction, and failure to rescue. Similarly, in a relation between clinical care and personal stress, nurses reported 76 incidents where they believed patient care was badly impacted by stress (Timby & Smith, 2005). However, personality has been always considered as a significant variable in the work stress/burnout equation in many investigations. Jointly, these findings support the fact that perceptions of burnouts and work stress among nurses are not just as a result of work conditions given that not all nurses, exposed to the same working conditions, experience stress or develop burnout.Neurotism has been linked to exhaustion, while external locus of control has showed a positive correlation with stress and burnout. Evaluation of anxiety demonstrates a connection with burnout and stress. A nxiety may be more stable and viewed as a personality feature. Ahola (2007) concluded that nurses with high state anxiety do not only risk having burnouts, but also make medical errors. Maslach C, and Jackson S. (1982), in their study found that nurses with high trait-anxiety experienced psychological distress. Further, relationships with head nurses, coworkers, physicians, and other departments are key predictors of psychological stress. Oral abuse from physicians has been noted to stress up staff nurses.... Jointly, these findings support the fact that perceptions of burnouts and work stress among nurses are not just as a result of work conditions given that not all nurses, exposed to the same working conditions, experience stress or develop burnout. Neurotism has been linked to exhaustion, while external locus of control has showed a positive correlation with stress and burnout. Evaluation of anxiety demonstrates a connection with burnout and stress. Anxiety may be more stable and viewed as a personality feature. Ahola (2007) concluded that nurses with high state anxiety do not only risk having burnouts, but also make medical errors. Maslach C, and Jackson S. (1982), in their study found that nurses with high trait-anxiety experienced psychological distress. Further, relationships with head nurses, coworkers, physicians, and other departments are key predictors of psychological stress. Oral abuse from physicians has been noted to stress up staff nurses. Most frequent source of abuse te nd to be other nurses, family abuse come second, and physician abuse is least frequent. Professional standards to ensure quality care for their clients Burnout and stress are most likely causes of poor performance and negative work attitudes. According to Elis and Hartley (2004), professional standards in nursing such as setting realistic goals, not taking issues individually, taking time away, and doing things differently help nurses gain a better sense of accomplishment. Dissimilar work routines can help to deter psychological stress and give a sense of better control. Carrying out tasks less personally entails objectifying negative interactions in helping limit emotional involvement, thus reducing stress. Failure to bring patient problems at home also decreases emotional involvement
Monday, October 28, 2019
Information Systems and Information Technology Essay Example for Free
Information Systems and Information Technology Essay A combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organisation Contrast IS and IT: What is the difference between Information Systems and Information Technology? In: Computer Terminology, Technology, Information Technology[Edit categories] Answer: Information Systems is a large umbrella referring to systems designed to create, store, manipulate, or disseminate information. Example of an information system is a pencil and a piece of paper. The two objects themselves are just tools, but together they create a system for writing (information). The term Information systems has been around a lot longer than the computer, or the term information technology. These days the two are sometimes thought to be synonymous, but that, in most cases is a misconception. Information technology falls under the information systems umbrella, but has nothing to do with systems per say. IT deals with the technology involved in the systems themselves, e.g. an information system like contains many information technologies. Servers, server operating systems, web-server software (IIS, Apache, et al), and code written for the web-server software (PHP, C#, VB, PERL, Ruby, et al). Even your computer and browser make up part of this information system. Like the pencil and paper example, each one of the mentioned parts of this information system in itself is an information technology. That being said, most people in the profession no longer make a distinction. Moreover, companies call their IS/IT department a wide range of titles based on more on culture and tradition than anything else. Assist With Business Processes Information systems aid businesses in developing a larger number of value added-systems in the company. For example, a company can integrate information systems with the manufacturing cycle to ensure that the output it produces complies with the requirements of the various quality management standards. Adoption of information systems simplifies business processes and removes unnecessary activities. Information systems add controls to employee processes, ensuring that only users with the applicable rights can perform certain tasks. Further, information systems eliminate repetitive tasks and increase accuracy, allowing employees to concentrate on more high-level functions. Information systems can also lead to better project planning and implementation through effective monitoring and comparison against established criteria.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Illusion and Fairies in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay
Illusion and Fairies in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream The main theme of love in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is explored by four young lovers, who, for the sake of their passions, quit the civilized and rational city of Athens, and its laws, and venture into the forest, there to follow the desires of their hearts - or libidos as the case may be. In this wild and unknown wilderness, with the heat and emotion commonly brought on by a midsummer night, they give chase, start duels, profess their love and hatred and otherwise become completely confused and entangled in the realities and perceptions of their own emotions. What better opportunity for Shakespeare to introduce a world of fairies then this? Shakespeare's fairies live in this wild forest were they love, fight, play and helpfully sort the poor young lovers out before sending them off, back to their own civilized world. Like many of the other elements in this play Shakespeare gives his fairies a healthy mix of illusion and reality. The Fairies use illusion in their exploi ts and Shakespeare uses them in the Dream in such a way that one might ask: are they even real or are they themselves an illusion? Because of Shakespeare's unique portrayal of the fairy world of A Midsummer Night's Dream it is often criticized as being contrary to the popular folk beliefs of fairies at the time. The fairies in the Dream which are described as "Diminutive, pleasing and picturesque sprites" are thought to "present themselves as a new race of fairies, as different from the popular fairies of tradition as are those fairies from the fays of medieval romances" (Latham 180). It is this "diminutive" stature of the fairies that is brought up the most often by critics who b... ...audience, imploring them that if they wish not to believe what they have seen, then they might think of it as a dream as well (Epilogue). This from the mouth of their well-known and loved Robin Goodfellow only serves to convince even more. And Robin has been known as Puck ever since. Bibliography Briggs, K. M. The Anatomy of Puck. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1959. Briggs, Katharine M. The Vanishing People. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1978. Hunt, Leigh Day By The Fire. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1870. Latham, Minor White Ph.D. The Elizabethan Fairies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1930. Ovid Metamorphoses. Trans. A. D. Melville, Intro and Notes E. J. Kenney. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Shakespeare, William "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The Norton Shakespeare: Comedies. Ed. S. Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1997.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cause and Effect Solar Energy
Cause/Effect: Solar Energy Solar radiation is an energy resource many times larger than mankind’s energy needs. Mankind has been able to capture/harness this energy resource, but only on a limited scale. Mankind has found that the use of the sun was quite useful. They used it to grow and dry crops, dry clothing, produce heat, and for light. The sun is a sphere, on the inside of the sun there is a continuous process of fusion in which hydrogen nuclei combine to from helium nuclei. There is less helium than that of hydrogen, which allows the sun to create energy.The energy is then radiated out of the surface of the sun, in which only a small portion is intercepted by plant earth. Just outside of the earth’s atmosphere, approximately 93 million miles from the sun, has the intensity of radiation of about 1. 36 kilowatts per square foot. This process is also called the Solar Constant. This energy is absorbed, dispersed, and reflected by the atmosphere; beaming its radiation to earth’s ground. Almost half of this energy is visible light, approximately half is infrared radiation, and a very small portion of it is ultraviolet radiation.There are many ways to convert this energy. Some use it to heat their water and homes; some convert it to Electrical Energy. Most of the world’s energy needs have been met by converting solar energy into its electrical or mechanical forms. Electrical energy conversion of solar energy can be quite expensive. Much more than it would be to convert into thermal energy, but worth it in the long run. Solar panels or solar cells have been created to convert solar energy into mechanical energy, which can then be converted into electrical energy or used directly.This green energy alternative would cause a reduction in our environmental impact because it has less physical impact on the environment. They also help reduce the level of greenhouse gases produced and would decrease the demands of fossil fuels. Without a reli able, yet sustainable source of energy for the future, mankind will face a continued environmental destruction and continue to contribute to the growing problem of global warming. In order to stop the damage that is being done to the environment, we need to switch to an environmentally friendly energy production system.If we do not switch, the current facilities who rely mainly on fossil fuels, will continue to destroy the earth because they are leaving behind toxic residues and wasteful by products that will have to be dealt with for many years. The future lies with systems that eliminate these toxic and wasteful by products. Only by switching to fully renewable energy systems will humanity be free of these toxins. With our current technology and the expanding knowledge of tomorrow, wind turbines have a 30 year life span.The effort used to run these turbines is lower than the use of traditional power plants. Using wind energy to power turbines instead of plants using fossil fuels f or energy will reduce the overall impact of the U. S. Energy production. The before mentioned solar panel has a life expectancy of approximately 25 years. The total cost per kilowatt is way lower for solar panels than that of fossil fueled based power plants. These panels, once installed, need little to no maintenance. There is no monthly bill or added fees.Just like wind energy, solar energy is completely sustainable and they do not produce any physical by products. I believe that wind and solar energy is the perfect solution to the future of preserving the earth’s environment. Our environment is turning against us and there is a shortage of fossil fuels. It seems as though mankind as a whole is killing itself off. Mankind as a whole needs to rid itself of its dependency of fossil fuels. While wind and solar energy are not the only options available for sustainable energy solutions, in my opinion, they are the best alternative solutions.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Discipline in the Public School
Assignment 1: Discipline in the Public Schools Patricia Williams Dr. Sonya S. Shepherd EDU 520 Education and the Law July 22, 2012 Every child and young person has a right to an education. Along with those rights students, have the responsibilities to follow rules. If rules get broken schools can impose punishments to try to correct the behaviors from happening again. Schools must let the students be able to voice their opinions on whether the punishment is fair.The purpose of this paper is to examine three (3) current rulings about different types of discipline in public schools. Next summarize the cases and the court’s decision for each case. Finally give an opinion whether for or against the court’s decision and justify the position. Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser Michael Fraser a student at Bethel High School made a speech in front of an assembly that was considered to be lewd. In reaction to the speech, he was suspended from school. Michael Fraser brought suit against the school in a U. S. istrict court, claiming that his First Amendment right to freedom of speech had been violated. (Essex p. 51, 2012) The Supreme Court said Bethel High School officials in Washington did not violate the First Amendment by punishing Matthew Fraser for a campaign speech that was considered lewd. Both of the lower courts had ruled for Fraser because there was no disruption following the speech given in the school auditorium. Because it was a school sponsored activity, the Supreme Court said school officials had the right to punish the risque content of his speech.While students are afforded the First Amendment freedoms of speech and expression, they are still answerable for their actions when they are offensive to others. Matthew Fraser's behavior was disruptive to the educational process. Fraser was in a public high school and at a school-sponsored activity. He was under the authority of the school, not standing on a street corner. Schools must have t he authority to guide young people into healthy and acceptable social forms of expression.Speech is limited even for adults, and no one can claim that high school students are adults. Fraser was not punished for the political nature of his speech, but rather for its sexual innuendo and obscenity. Hermitage School District v. Layshock In December 2005, Justin Layshock and three other high school students created fake MySpace profiles for their principal, Eric Trosch. The profiles included an official school portrait of Trosch and answers to the website's template questions for creating a profile.Many of the answers were derogatory and sexually explicit. One profile indicated that Trosch's favorite movie was a pornographic film. Another indicated that Trosch liked to have sex with students and brutalize women. A third said that he kept a keg of beer at his desk at school, was on steroids, and smoked marijuana. School officials discovered the profile, and the school district suspended Layshock for 10 days, ordered him to finish high school in an Alternative Education Program, and forbid him from attending graduation.In Layshock, the court ruled for Justin Layshock, who was a 17-year-old senior when he created a MySpace profile portraying his principal as a big drinker, a smoker of a ‘big blunt†and a â€Å"big steroid freak. †The school had suspended Layshock, placed him in an alternative education program, despite his classification as a gifted student, and barred him from extracurricular activities. (ABA Journal)After the school district disciplined Layshock, he brought a federal lawsuit claiming that the school's punishment violated his First Amendment rights.In July 2007, the district court granted summary judgment to Layshock on his claim that that the school's punishment violated his First Amendment rights. The only school resource which Justin even arguably involved in creating the web parody was a photograph available to the public on the school's website which the student cut and pasted into his website. I think Justin's behavior did not cause disruption in the school, because a school district does not have the authority to reach outside the schoolhouse to control student behavior.Justin’s actions were not related to any school sponsored event. Morse v. Frederick Joseph Frederick, a senior at Juneau-Douglas High School, unfurled a banner saying â€Å"Bong Hits 4 Jesus†during the Olympic Torch Relay through Juneau, Alaska on January 24, 2002. (Education and the Law Journal, p. 57) Frederick's attendance at the event was part of a school-supervised activity. The school's principal, Deborah Morse, told Frederick to put away the banner, as she was concerned it could be interpreted as advocating illegal drug activity. After Frederick refused to comply, she took the banner from him.Frederick originally was suspended from school for 10 days for violating school policy, which forbids advocating the use o f illegal drugs. The U. S. District Court for the District of Alaska ruled for Morse, saying that Frederick's action was not protected by the First Amendment. The U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed and held that Frederick's banner was constitutionally protected. In this case the principle jumped the gun and assumed that the word bong was referencing drugs and I think it did not. Fredrick even stated that that was words to try to get the television station to see their banner and a way to get on TV.I think he was telling the truth about wanting to be seen on TV because crazy teenagers will say and do just about anything to be on TV so they can brag to their friends just to say they were on TV. I think that if all these cases were up to date, that they will re-evaluate the rulings now because you have so many people committing suicide over the words that people are saying whether it is on the internet or at their school. It is a shame that you do have people that ar e doing cyber bullying and you cannot be sure of how the victims react, because they may retaliate.The world is forever changing and the words are being recognized as being hurtful. References ABAJournal. com: â€Å"Students Disciplined for Fake MySpace Profiles of Principals Get 3rd Circuit Rehearing†Cooper, Madeleine Arsenault. BONG HiTS 4 JESUS . . . IN CANADA? The Implications of Morse v. Frederick for Student Free Speech in the United States and Canada, Education ; Law Journal, Volume 18, Number 1, July 2008, 57. Essex, E. L. School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders. 5th ed. Boston MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2012.
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